Friday, 30 October 2015

AP G.O.MS.No. 82 Dated: 29.10.2015 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation patternof examination system Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IXfrom the Academic year 2015-16

AP G.O.MS.No. 82 Dated: 29.10.2015 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation patternof examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IXfrom the Academic year 2015-16
AP G.O.MS.No. 82 Dated: 29.10.2015 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation patternof examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IXfrom the Academic year 2015-16

School Education Department – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern
of examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IX
from the Academic year 2015-16 and for class X from the Academic Year 2016-17 in
fullest extent – Orders Issued.


G.O.MS.No. 82 Dated: 29.10.2015

Read the following:-

  1. 1. G.O. Ms.No.17, School Edn (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.5.2014
  2. 2. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.Hyd (2) Letters Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 27.6.2014
  3. 3. From the Hon’ble Minister HRD Note No.7/M(HRD)/2014, dated 11.07.2014.
  4. 4. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 16.07.2014
  5. 5. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.Hyd (2) Letters Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 17.07.2014
  6. 6. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 23.07.2014
  7. 7. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 23.07.2014.
  8. 8. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 02.08.2014
  9. 9. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.Hyd Letter Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 05.08.2014.
  10. 10. G.O. Ms. No. 29, School Edn (Prog.II) Dept. dated 23.09.2014
  11. 11 From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009, dated 02.07.2015.

        O R D E R:

1. In continuation of the Curriculum Reforms undertaken under National
Curriculum Frame Work -2005 and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009, and with an objective to facilitate for a shift in the teaching
learning process and to improve transactions of new technologies, and to transform the ways of learning to be comprehensive, holistic and dynamic, Government have brought in the Examination Reforms vide G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014 for classes IX and X from the academic year 2014-15 onwards. However, certain quantitative and qualitative measures were contemplated under the reforms such as reducing the number of papers from 11 to 9, giving 80% of the weightage to the Subject papers, and 20% of weightage to the Internal Assessment of the Student, Training for teachers on the new patterns of teaching and text books, summative and formating assessment etc., all of which require extensive capacity building at the level of all High Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh but the said training programmes were not held due to various administrative reasons.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad in letters 2nd, 7th & 8th
read above has stated, among other things, that the concept of Internal Evaluation
has not drilled into the minds of either Government Teachers or Private Teachers.
Since there are large number of Government as well as Private Schools in the State and introduction of the new procedure without taking adequate preparatory steps to orient the Teachers and Students to the new system will have serious ramifications
on the future of the students. In the G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Edn (PE.Prog.II) Dept.
dated 14.05.2014 has reduced the Language papers whereas the basic objective of
School Education is to impart languages in the early years of student life. As such
reducing two papers of the Languages to one paper and giving lot of weightage to the
Subjects is not desirable at School level. The Commissioner & Director of School
Education, A.P. Hyderabad has also opined that it is not possible to monitor the
Internal Evaluation of large number of Government and Private Schools in the State and the new system would eventually result into reduction of academic standards.

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad has, therefore, requested
the Government to rescind/defer the G.O. Ms. No. 17, dated 14.05.2014 and
requested to accord permission to constitute an Expert Committee with the Directors,RMSA, Government Examinations and SCERT to study and propose modifications to the reforms mentioned in the G.O. Ms. No. 17, dated 14.05.2014.

3. In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.
Hyderabad and considering the opinion of the Commissioner of School Education that
require in depth study and consultation on the various academic issues raised,
Government have kept the G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II)
Department, dated 14.05.2014 in abeyance for the Academic Year 2014-15 only and
constituted an Expert Committee with the following officers as proposed by the
Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad: -

  • 1. Director, RMSA, A.P. Hyderabad 

  • 2. Director of Government Examinations, A.P. Hyderabad
  • 3. Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad

  • 4. Accordingly, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad has
  • submitted report of Expert Committee for taking necessary action in the matter vide
  • reference 11th read above. The Expert Committee made the following
  • recommendations

a) Implementation Schedule

• CCE should be implemented (Internal and External mode) from class VI to IX during this academic year (2015-16). This will be the field experience for the stakeholders to implement examination reforms in a desired manner.
• March 2016 SSC Public Examinations will be without internal marks,pattern and procedure will be as followed in 2015 public examinations.11 papers with old patterns the number of questions will be same. But the nature of questions will be thought provoking, analytical and open ended in nature.
• CCE pattern of examination system for class X in fullest extent should be adopted during 2016-17 onwards with 11 papers.
• SCERT take responsibility to implement examination reforms up to
class X.

b) Papers and Marks :

c) Marks weightage and duration of examination:

• Language subjects – 40 marks per paper and the examination duration will
be 2 hours and 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question
paper (2 hours 45 minutes) for Telugu/ Sanskrit/ Kannada/ Odia/ Tamil/ Urdu.
80 marks Hindi paper duration is also the same.
• Non language subjects – Mathematics, Science and Social Studies – Every
subject will have two papers and each paper is for 40 marks and the
examination duration is 2 hours and 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes for
reading the question paper.
• The Summative Examinations which are school based for class VI to IX and
the final summative is of public exams at class X conducted by Director, Govt.
Examinations. Each subject will be conducted for 80% of marks. The
remaining 20% of marks are through internal assessment i.e. four Formative
Assessments [FA] and three Summative Assessments [SA]
• The total marks of four Formative Assessments and two Summative
Assessments conducted in an academic year will be accounted for 20% of
marks in class X public examinations.
• Conduct one paper on each day except on general holidays.
d) Trainings – Responsibilities
• All the stake holders in School Education Department i.e., DEOs, Dy. EOs,
MEOs, HMs and teachers should be trained in participatory approach for
effective implementation of CCE. Mandal level, District level moderation
boards should be constituted and the persons of the boards should be trained
• HM is the first level monitoring authority, responsible for school performance.
So he / she has to be trained well in both academic and administrative
• All teachers should be trained well to adopt interactive oriented pedagogical
approaches in classroom transactional process, how to frame thought
provoking, analytical, creative, open ended questions and evaluation
• Responsibility should be fixed to all monitoring officials to observe
implementation of formative assessment which plays a dominant role in CCE.
e) Co-Curricular Areas Assessment Procedure
• Assessment do not confine to cognitive areas, it is important to observe how
student participate in other learning environments i.e., debates, discussions,
projects, seminars, field works, model making, lab activities, literary
association meetings, club activities, games and sports, cultural activities,
creative activities etc. These are all the activities which lead to all round
development of the student.
• No public exam shall be conducted in these subjects. However, these areas
will be evaluated for three times in an academic year i.e. quarterly, half yearly
and annually. Teachers shall observe and award marks. The average will be
taken into account and the details of grade must be submitted on-line by HM to
Director, Govt. Exams after verification by the moderation committee.
• Assessment of Co-Curricular areas is different from curricular areas. Teacher
should observe the level of participation, interests towards across curricular
activities, skills and abilities by using different tools like observations,
discussions, rating scales, socio grams, project works etc.
• SCERT should develop suggestive Co-Curricular Assessment tools to enable
the teachers to develop and utilized tools in proper manner.

DIETs, CTEs and IASEs:

• The teacher training institutes i.e DIETs, CTEs and IASEs shall conduct
training programmes to the teachers and observe the practices in the
schools and provide on job support to the teachers and headmasters.
Their observations must be shared in the review meetings, school
complex meetings and take up studies.
• Headmaster is the first level supervisory officer to ensure proper
implementation of curricular and co-curricular activities, teacher
preparation, lesson plans, teaching learning process and conduct of
exams properly by all the teachers.
• Identify and encourage teachers and children for their best efforts and
talent and take it to the notice of higher officials and SCERT.
• Using of guides and study material by the children and memorizing the
finished answers will damage the children’s thinking capacities and self
expression. Therefore, guides and study material shall not be used. HM
should ensure this.
• Allotment curricular and co-curricular subjects to the teachers available
and see that all these areas must be transacted.
• Headmaster must check the evidences for internal exams i.e. proper
conduct of Formative and Summative Assessments at school level and
offer suggestions on the records and registers prepared by teachers
and children. He should verify all the children and teacher records on
FA and SA and satisfy himself before placing it to the moderation
• HM to furnish internal marks and grades on FA and SA, co-curricular
activities through on-line as per the schedule.
• The HM should follow the schedule for the conduct of internals and
other exams and maintenance of children cumulative records and
communicating the progress to the parents at regular intervals.
• The HM must ensure for quality classroom transaction by utilizing
available TLM, equipment and library books in the schools.
• The HM should conduct monthly review on the performance of the
teachers and children and record in the minutes book alongwith
suggestions for each teacher and review follow up action on the minutes
of the earlier meeting.
• Arrangements for proper feedback to the children and their parents on
children performance and school activities.
• The HM is the first teacher and must be sound in academic knowledge
by way of reading teacher handbooks, textbooks and other source
books and conduct frequent sharing workshops within the school on
teacher readings and other academic issues and concepts.
• The HM should observe the classroom transactions of each teacher and
offer further suggestions and guidance for improvement.
• Teachers are responsible for the proper implementation of textbooks i.e.
activities, projects, experiments, field investigations, information tasks
• The exercises given under each unit/ lesson are analytical and thought
provoking in nature and children should think and write on their own.
There shall not copying of answers from the guides, study materials,
copying from other children notebooks etc.
• The questions in the box items are meant for discussions in the
classrooms where children express and share their thinking and ideas.
This is helpful for application of textbook knowledge in their daily life

• Prepare and implement curricular and co-curricular subjects assigned to
them and transact in a qualitative way with a focus on interactive
teaching, discussions with active participation of children.
• Read resource books and additional reference material to get more
clarity on concepts and develop teaching notes on each lesson. Thus,
add value to the textbooks.
• Conduct Formative Assessments (internals) and Summative
Assessments and value the children notebooks and other records on
regular basis. Maintain evidences of children performances in the form
of children notebooks, records and keep ready for the observations of
headmaster and moderation committee.
• The teachers shall take up remedial teaching and support children
based on the gaps identified through Formative and Summative
• Develop and use annual and lesson/unit plans and improve over time.
• Furnish children and teacher records pertaining to FA and SA to HM for
his verification and for further guidance and suggestions.
• Encourage children for their initiative and attempts to improve and
support them

5. The Government have examined the above recommendations of the Expert
Committee and observed that continuous and comprehensive evaluation facilitates
students’ effective learning as well as their all round development of personality with
its multiple evaluation tools and techniques and corrective measures. By using this
evaluation procedure, the teacher can turn all students into active learners by
facilitating all round development of students, providing all the students the same opportunity to display their individual potential, helping the teacher to realize the effectiveness of teaching learning process, continuous of teaching technique proves itself as a boost to student. Thus it is utmost important to make continuous and comprehensive evaluation as an integral part of teaching and learning process to promote standards of school education.

6. The Government have, therefore, in supersession of the orders issued in the
G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (Prog.II) Department dated 14.05.2014, accept
the recommendations of the Expert Committee as mentioned at para 4 above and accord permission to the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad and the Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad for implementation of examination reforms i.e. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system for
Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16 and for Class X from the Academic
Year 2016-17 in fullest extent in all schools in the state i.e. Government, local bodies,
aided and private recognized schools.

7. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad and the Director,
SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad shall take necessary further action in the matter.
                           R.P. SISODIA

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