Monday, 19 October 2015

AP G.O.RT.No.960 Dated:07.10.2015 permitted to Panchayat Secretaries Filling up of vacancies of Gr.I,II, & III Relaxation of the minimum service of (1) year

AP G.O.RT.No.960 Dated:07.10.2015 permitted to consider minimum service of 1 year as a special case for promotions/appointment by Transfer to the posts of Panchayat Secretary Gr.I, II and III in the panel year 2014-2015.
AP G.O.RT.No.960 Dated:07.10.2015 permitted to consider minimum service of 1 year as a special case for promotions/appointment by Transfer to the posts of Panchayat Secretary Gr.I, II and III in the panel year 2014-2015.

AP Establishment - Panchayat Secretaries – Filling up of vacancies of Gr.I,II, & III – Relaxation of the minimum service of (1) year as a special case to consider promotions / appointment – Orders - Issued. 


G.O.RT.No.960 Dated:07.10.2015 

 Read the following:- 

  1.  1. G.O.Ms.No.81, PR &RD(Mdl.I) Dept., dt.20.02.2010. 
  2.  2. G.O.Ms.No.84, PR &RD(Mdl.I) Dept., dt.24.02.2010. 
  3.  3. G.O.Rt.No.579, PR&RD(Mdl.I)Dept., 17.06.2015. 
  4.  4. From the Commissioner, PR & RD, AP., Hyderabad Lr.No.10387/CPR&RD/ B1/2013, dated. 08.09.2015 & 26.09.2015.


  • 1.In the G.O. 3rd read above, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad was permitted to consider minimum service of 1 year as a special case for promotions/appointment by Transfer to the posts of Panchayat Secretary Gr.I, II and III in the panel year 2014-2015. 

  • 2. In the reference 4th read above, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development has stated that due to adhoc promotions given to the post of E.O. (PR&RD), the resultant vacancies of Panchayat Secretaries Gr.I, II & III are to be filled up in the present panel year. He has requested the Government to accord permission to fill up these adhoc vacancies by relaxing the minimum service of 3 years as 1 year for the panel year 2015-2016 also. 

  • 3. Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad hereby relax minimum service of 3 years under rule 7 of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules 2010 issued in G.O. 2nd read above and minimum service of (1) year be considered as a special case to consider promotions/appointment by Transfer on regular/adhoc basis to the resultant vacancies of Panchayat Secretary Gr.I, II & III in the panel year 2015-2016, as a special case. 

  • 4. The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall take necessary further action in the matter. 

          (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)                                                      DR.K.S.JAWAHAR REDDY 


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