Thursday, 17 March 2016

AP DSC TET cum TRT 2014 SGT Surplus Teachers certain Clarification as per R.C.NO: 67.

Andhra Pradesh DSC TET cum TRT 2014 SGT surplus Teachers certain Clarifications as per R.C.NO: 67, AP DSC Teacher Eligibility cum Recruitment Test 2014 SGTs surplus Teachers certain Clarification as per R.C.NO: 67, AP DSC TET cum TRT surplus Teachers certain Clarification as per R.C.NO: 67.

AP DSC TET cum TRT 2014 SGT Surplus Teachers certain Clarification as per R.C.NO: 67.

AP RC.NO 67 Dated:17/03/2016.

Sub: School Education - TET cum TRT 2014 - surplus Teachers certain Clarification's - issued.

AP DSC TET cum TRT 2014 Recruitment Some District Educational officers in the state have informed that there are surplus SGT teachers identified during the rationalisation of primary schools their districts.They further information that SGT and LPs posts have been notified during TET cum TRT 2014 for their district clarification has been sought from the commissioner of school education where there selection of teachers is to be made even where there are surplus teachers.

You are aware that rationalisation and resources redistribution exercise is to be undertake before the commencement of the next academic year. The issue of providing the support of academic monitoring team to Dyeos, MEOs and filling up the vacant post on deputation basis in DIETs and CTEs is under examination in Government.

As discussed with and approved by the principal Secretary, school education it is instructed that selection may be done to the extent of notified posts Web counselling may be conducted for the selected candidates. The District Educational officers are further instructed that where there is no justified need the candidates selected may be placed in the DEOs pool for utilisation of their services at appropriate time, based on the need and requirement.

Sd-/- K.Sandhya Rani.

Commissioner of School Education.


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