Thursday, 3 March 2016

AP GO.NO:509 Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls 2016 Voter Awareness Programme.

AP Elections Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 – Voter Awareness Programme as per GO.NO: 509
AP Elections Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 – Voter Awareness Programme as per GO.NO: 509 ; AP GO.NO:509 Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls 2016 Voter Awareness Programme ; Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 – Voter Awareness Programme as per GO.NO: 509 ; AP GO.NO: 509 Elections Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 – Voter Awareness Programme ;

AP GO.NO:509 Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls 2016 Voter Awareness Programme.

Sub:- AP Elections – Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 – Voter Awareness - Payment of Rs.1,53,000/- to M/s Andhra Prabha Publications Ltd, Hyderabad - Sanction Orders - Issued.

Important Information:-
AP Elections Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016 for the Year 2016 Voter Awareness  Payment of Rs.1,53,000/- to M/s Andhra Prabha Publications Ltd, Hyderabad - Sanction Orders and 200 size in Andhra and Rayalaseema editions of Andhra Prabha news paper on 30.10.2015 at discounted rate as against I&PR approved rate. and submit the bill as per the approved rate along with advance stamped receipt and shall be debited to “2015 Elections – MH 103 Preparation and Printing of Electoral Rolls – S.H. (04) Assembly and Parliamentary Constituencies – 260 Advertisements Sales and Publicity Expenses”and shall be met BE 2015-16. 


AP G.O.RT.No. 509 Dated: 02-03-2016 

 Read the following:- 

  1. Govt. Lr.No.4044/Elecs.E/A2/2015-14, dt. 28-10-2015. 
  2. From M/s Andhra Prabha Publications Limited, Hyderabad Invoice No.1315888, dt:30.10.2015. 


1.In the Government letter 1st read above, orders have been issued to M/s Andhra Prabha Publications Limited, to insert advertisement in black and white of 200 size in Andhra and Rayalaseema editions of Andhra Prabha news paper on 30.10.2015 at discounted rate as against I&PR approved rate. and submit the bill as per the approved rate along with 
advance stamped receipt, five copies of news paper of each edition in which 
the advertisement has been published and also bank details for processing 
the bill for payment. 

2.Accordingly, the Agency has inserted advertisement in the Andhra Prabha news paper on 30.10.2015 and sent bills for Rs. Rs.1,53,000/- for arranging payment. 

3.After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby accord sanction for an amount of Rs.1,53,000/- (Rupees One lakh and fifty three thousand only) to M/s Andhra Prabha Publications Limited, Hyderabad towards the cost of advertisement inserted in Andhra Prabha news paper on 30.10.2015. 

4.The expenditure sanctioned in para 3 above shall be debited to “2015 Elections – MH 103 Preparation and Printing of Electoral Rolls – S.H. (04) Assembly and Parliamentary Constituencies – 260 Advertisements Sales and Publicity Expenses”and shall be met BE 2015-16. 

5.The General Administration (Claims.C) Department are requested to draw the amount sanctioned in para 3 above, and credit in favour of “M/s Andhra Prabha Publications. Ltd., Hyderabad A/c 
No.021811100002935, Andhra Bank., Jubilee Hills Branch., Hyderabad. 
IFSC CODE: ANDB0000218. 

6.The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad is requested to admit the bills in relaxation of Treasury Control orders issued vide BE 2015-16.

7.This order does not require the concurrence of Finance Department as 
per the orders issued vide BE 2015-16. 


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