Friday, 11 March 2016

AP PMKSY State and District Implementation Committee.

AP Pradhana Manthri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) State/District wise Implementation Committee as per G.O.NO:192,AP PMKSY State and District Implementation Committee as per G.O.NO:192, Andhra Pradesh Pradhana Manthri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) State/District wise Implementation Committee as per G.O.NO:192.

AP PMKSY State and District Implementation Committee as per G.O.NO:192.

Agriculture Department – Pradhana Manthri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) – Constitution of State Level Sanction Committee (SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG), District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) – Orders – Issued. 


G.O.RT.No. 192 Dated: 11-03-2016 

 Read the following :- 

  1. From the Addl. Commissioner(NRM), Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt. of Agriculture and Cooperation (Rainfed Farming System Division), New Delhi Letter No.19-4/2015-RFS-III, Dt. 13-7-2015. 
  2. From the Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt.  of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi D.O. Letter No.19-5/2015- RFS-III, Dt. 30-10-2015. 
  3. From the Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad Letter No.NRM(1)89/ 2015, Dt. 28.1.2016.

O R D E R:

1.In the references 1st and 2nd read above, it was informed that for integrated 
development for water resources and with the objective of expending the access of 
water to each farm, a comprehensive programme namely “Pradhana Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)” has been formulated to provide end to end solution in irrigation supply chain viz., water sources, distribution network, efficient farm level application and extension services on new technologies and information. PMKSY will be implemented in area development mode adopting ‘decentralized state level planning 
and projectised execution’ allowing to draw up their own irrigation development plans. 
Basically, PMKSY has been developed as a convergence platform to ensure effective 
pulling of resources for creating rural assets / infrastructure related to water 
conservation and management like MGNREGA, RKVY, National Solar Mission and Rural Electrification programme, RIDF, MPLAD, other local body funds, State 
Government programmes etc. The overreaching vision of PMKSY is to ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farm in the country and to produce ‘more crop per drop’ thereby bringing the much awaited rural prosperity. The State Agriculture Department will be the Nodal Department of PMKSY. It was requested to constitute three(3) committees viz., State Level Sanction Committee(SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG), District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC). 

2.The Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad vide reference 3rd read above has furnished the proposal for constitution of three(3) committees viz., State Level Sanction Committee(SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG), District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) and their functionalities for implementation of the scheme in the State and also requested to consider the proposal and accord approval orders by notifying the same. 

3.Government after careful consideration, hereby constitute the State Level Sanction Committee (SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG) and District 
Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) and their functionalities as given below.


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