Thursday, 14 July 2016

AP Aadhar updation - validation of the children Child enrolment with Aadhar seeding as per R.C.NO:646.

AP Child enrolment with Aadhar seeding Aadhar updation Validation in childinfo website on or before  17.07.2016 as per R.C.NO:646 , AP enrolment with Aadhar seeding on or before  17.07.2016 as per R.C.NO:646 , AP Aadhar updation Validation in childinfo website on or before  17.07.2016 as per R.C.NO:646 , AP R.C.NO:646 Aadhar updation - validation of the children  Child enrolment with Aadhar seeding.

AP Aadhar updation - validation of the children Child enrolment with Aadhar seeding as per R.C.NO:646. 


  • Present: Srl . G. SREENIVAS, IAS. RC.NO:646/SSA/AP/AB/2014, Dated: 12.07.2016

Sub: SSA, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Child enrolment with Aadhar seeding and Aadhar updation Validation in childinfo website Instructions issued - Reg.


  1. This office Proc.Rc.No.646/55A/AP/A8/2014, Dt: 03.12.2014. 
  2. Lr.No.18/ Secy/ ITE k C/ SeMT/ 20l6, Dt: 07.04.2016 of Sri.G.S. Phani Kishore, Special Secretary to Govt., IT Department, AJ’, Hyderabad. 
  3. Proc.RC.N0.646/SSA/APIA8/ZO14, Dt: 05.05.2015

All the Project Officers of Sarva Shlksha Abhiyan and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that the Honrable Chief Minister has reviewed the different departmental performance through CM CORE Dashboard in order to complete 100% Aadhar seeding verification of the data. He also requested to complete the seeded verification process and share to web services for CM CORE Dashboard to display the verification progress percentage and total beneficiaries.

Therefore, the Project Officers and District Educational Officers are requested to take personal attention and to take appropriate steps for completion of Aadhar updation - validation of the children in their districts, including new enrolled children on or before  17.07.2016 without fail. No further extension of time is allowed.

in this regard MIS/ Planning Coordinator, APO & ASO as a team shall peruse the matter on top priority. For any difficulties / queries in this regard contact state MIS Section.

The status of Aadhar seeding as on 04.05.2016 is enclosed for ready reference. The compliance report in this matter is to be intimated to this office soon after the completion of the above task.

  • This should be treated as MOST URGENT.


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