AP Teachers Transfers (Regulation of
Transfers) Revised Rules/Guidelines Amendment Order as per G.O.MS.No. 32 Dated:
- G.O.Ms.No.63, Education (Ser.II) Department, Dated:31.08.2015.
- The CSE Lr.No.4102/Est –III/2015 dated 23.3.2017.
- The CSE Lr.Rc.No.190/Est-III/2017, Dated: 10.04.2017.
- G.O.Ms.No.31, School Edn.(Ser.II) Dept., dt.31.05.2017.
In order to facilitate and regulate the transfers of
Headmasters Grade II Gazetted and
teachers working in Government / ZPP / MPP schools in Andhra Pradesh School Education
Service and the Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, Government
have decided to issue rules relating to transfers.
Further, under Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009, every
child in the age group of 6 to 14 years is to be provided upto eight years of
Elementary Education on admission to an age appropriate class in the vicinity
of his / her neighborhood. Further, there is a need to rationalize the staff in
schools and posts in Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools as there are some
schools with higher enrolment of students vis-à-vis the sanctioned teaching
posts and on the other hand there are some schools with uneconomic enrolment of
students with more than the justified teacher posts. Government desires to ensure
appropriate school/class level teacher – pupil ratio and strengthen academic monitoring
/ support to teachers at mandal and divisional level. Keeping the above in view,
there is a need to regulate the staffing pattern by way of transfers.
The Commissioner of School Education will take action to
call for the applications for transfer of teachers through online and conduct
web counseling duly obtaining the options every year after the closure of
academic session for that year. A proper time schedule would be announced by
the Commissioner of School Education for this purpose which will lay out all
the details including time frame for application, counseling, grievance
redressal, issue of orders and relief and joining of HM/teachers. The
Headmasters/teachers shall apply online at the IP address given for the purpose.
For the purpose of Transfers of Teachers, the assessment of
Teacher posts required in any school will be based on U-DISE of the previous
academic year with cutoff date as 31st December duly certified.
The Commissioner of
School Education shall be competent to remove difficulties/ issue clarification
for smooth and proper implementation of these orders. Govt will be competent to
modify/ amend these rules, if required at any point of time.
Government in the Department of School Education, shall be
competent to transfer teachers if required, on administrative grounds, outside
these rules/framework and time schedule during an academic calendar.
Work adjustments orders to shuffle teachers can be carried
out by the Commissioner of School Education during an academic calendar year to
ensure proper and optimum utilization of HM/Teachers in schools wherever their
services are required for the purpose of better academic performance of the
This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR.I)
Dept., vide their U.O.No.FIN-30024/70/2017-SO(HR.I), dated 24.05.2017.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 78 and 99 of
A.P. Education Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the
Constitution of India and in supersession of all the earlier Rules and
guidelines on transfer of teachers and also in supersession of rules issued in
G.O.Ms.No.31, School Education (Services.II) Department, dated 31.05.2017, the
Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules regulating the
transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted, School Assistants
and Secondary Grade Teachers and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School
Education Service and in the A.P. School Education Subordinate Service working
in the Government Schools and Z.P.P. and MPP Schools in the State.
A.P.Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules
1. Short Title and Applicability:
(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Teachers
(Regulation of Transfers) Rules.
(ii) These rules shall be applicable to Headmaster Gr.-II
Gazetted in the Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and School Assistants /
Secondary Grade Teachers and other equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh
School Education Subordinate Service, herein after referred to as Teacher in
these Rules.
(iii) These rules shall come into force with immediate
2. Criteria for Transfers
(i) The following categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted /
Teachers in the Government / ZPP /MPP shall be transferred.
(a) Those Teachers who have completed 8 Academic calendar
years of service and those Head Masters Gr.II who have completed 5 years of service
as on date of closure of schools in a particular school in the Academic year in
which transfers are to be taken up shall be transferred compulsorily. (More
than half the academic year would be considered as a complete full year for
this purpose and less than half would not be considered).
(b) Provided those who are going to retire within two (2)
years from 30th June of the year in which transfers are to be taken
up shall not be transferred until and unless the incumbent requests for such
(iii) (a) The male Headmaster Gr.II / Teacher aged below 50
years as on 30th April of the year (in which transfers are to be
taken up), and working in Girls High School.
(b) If no women Headmasters Gr.II / Teachers are available
to work in Girls High Schools, then the male Teachers who crossed 50 years of
age as on 30th April of the year, in which transfers are to be taken up, may be
considered for posting to such schools.
(iii) Headmaster Gr.II / Teachers who have completed a
minimum period of two years-service in a School as on 30th April of the year,
in which transfers are to be taken up, shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
(iv) (a) The teachers being shifted on merging of Primary
Schools, Upper Primary Schools and High Schools shall be preferably posted to
those schools where such new posts have come up due to rationalization. In case
such Teacher is not willing for that, they can be allowed to participate in the
transfer counseling by following the norms.
(b) Criteria for identification of teachers being shifted on
Rationalization: Junior teacher as per the service in the cadre. If senior is
willing, senior teacher may be shifted duly obtaining a declaration counter
signed by the inspecting officer concerned. If a teacher who completed 8 academic
calendar years of service is available, he / she shall be shifted at first
instance. Requirement of teachers in such schools where inadequacy of teachers
exists would be preferred.
(v) The Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted and Teachers who have
completed 5 years of service and 8 Academic calendar years of service
respectively as NCC officer should be posted in a vacancy in a school where
there is NCC unit.
(vi) Preference shall be given to Head Master Gr-II, who
have studied the language concerned (Urdu / Tamil / Kannada / Oriya) Language
as 1st Language as main subject to the respective Medium Schools.
(vii) The number of years of service completed in a
particular school, in all cadres should be taken into consideration.
(viii) Visually challenged teachers are exempted from
transfers. However, if such teachers desire to apply for transfer, they may
apply for transfer counseling.
(ix) (a) Transfers shall be effected from within the Present
Management in which the teacher / Headmaster Gr.II is working.
(b) If the Teacher / Headmaster Gr.II desires to go to his /
her parent management such Teacher / Headmaster Gr.II may opt for transfer to only
those vacancies available in their parent management.
(c) Transfers shall be effected from Agency Area to Plain
Area and Plain Area to Agency Area (except local Scheduled Tribe Teachers
working in Agency Area)
(d) As per G.O.Ms.No.3 Tribal Welfare Department,
Dated:10.01.2000, Headmasters/ Teachers belonging to local tribes are to be
posted in Agency areas.
(e) Non Tribal Headmasters/Teachers currently working in
Schools in agency areas may also apply for transfers to plain area.
(f) Normally as per G.O.Ms.No.3, Dated: 10.01.2000, teachers
working in Plain areas may not be posted to Agency Area. However, if there are large
number of vacancies in Agency Area, Plain Area teachers shall be posted in
Agency Area on tenure basis, temporarily for a maximum period of 2 years in the
interest of Tribal students and for continuing instruction in the schools in
Tribal Area. Such teachers shall be reposted to plain areas as and when the
post is filled with a tribal teacher through recruitment or on completion of 2
years tenure whichever is earlier.
(g) If the vacancy of teacher post could not be filled in
Tribal areas, junior most surplus teacher/s in plain area shall be deputed
temporarily after completion of transfer counseling.
Schedule for Transfers
The Commissioner of School Education shall draw schedule and
communicate the same to the competent authorities for effecting transfers from
time to time. The Commissioner of School Education shall also facilitate the
process through appropriate Information Technology (I.T) solution.
Transfers Counseling
All the transfers shall be processed by applications filed
and options exercised through an online processes. Counseling shall be
conducted by the Committees constituted for this purpose in each district /
Competent Authority for Postings & Transfers
The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and
posting orders based on the final outcome of the web options exercised by the
Entitlement Points – Common Points
Entitlement of points shall be awarded to the Headmaster
Gr.II / Teachers service rendered in the present school, category as on 30th
April of the year in which transfers are to be taken up in the following
(i) (a) For every year of service in category IV areas 2
(b) For every year of service in Category III areas 1
(c) For every year of service in Category II areas 0.5
(d) For every year of service in Category I areas 0
Note:- for maximum 8 years of service @2 points per year
total comes to 16points
(ii) The Habitations / Towns shall be classified under
following categories, viz, Category – I All Habitations / Towns where 20% and
above HRA is admissible
Category – II All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% and above
HRA is admissible
Category –III All Habitations / Towns where 12% and above
HRA is admissible
Category-IV All Habitations where 12% HRA is admissible, and
which do not have connectivity through an all-weather road as per the norms of
Panchayat Raj (Engineering) Department
- In case of Villages / Towns which were in one category
earlier and later changed to the other category (as per HRA / Road condition)
in such cases the entitlement points may be calculated proportionately.
(iii) The District Collector & District Magistrate shall
publish the list of Habitations & Category in the district which do not
have connectivity through an allweather road as per the norms of Panchayat Raj
(Engineering) Department in consultation with the Superintending Engineer, P.R.
of the district and the same shall be final.
(v) For the Service rendered:
0.5 points for every year of completed service in the total
service in all categories as on 30th April of the
year in which transfers are to be taken up. Total
Entitlement Points should not be exceed 28
7 Special Points (Extra Points): POINTS
(i) The President and the General Secretary of the
recognized Teachers’ Unions at the State and District Levels.
(ii) Un-married female Teacher 5
(iii) Teacher whose spouse belongs to State Government or
Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution
or A.P. Model Schools under Aided post category and working in same District /
Zonal Cadre or Adjacent District. Headmasters/Teachers may opt for transfer to
a place within the District or to Adjacent Mandal / Division to the neighboring
District towards the nearer place of working of his/her spouse. The benefit of spouse
points shall be applicable to one of the spouses once in 5/8 years only. An
entry to this effect shall be recorded in the SR of the Headmaster/teacher concerned
under proper attestation. A copy of certificate issued by the competent authority
shall be enclosed to the check list to consider cases under this category
(iv) Gr.II Headmasters/Teacher who is working as NCC Officer
/ Bharat Scout and Guides, and completed 5 years of service and 8 Academic
calendar years of service in the school respectively as on date of closure of
schools subject to submission of certificate issued by the Designated
Commandant Officer.
(v) Headmasters/Teachers willing to work in Tribal Area on
tenure basis temporarily for a maximum period of 2 years in the interest of
Tribal students and for continuing instruction in the school. Such teacher shall
be replaced as and when the post is filled with a tribal teacher / candidate or
on completion of 2 years tenure, whichever is earlier. In such cases it is
compulsory to give 1st five options to schools located in Tribal areas.
(vi) Headmasters/Teachers Registered in A.P. eKnowledge
eXchange (A.P. Subject Forum) and actively utilizing the same.1
Rationalization Points
The Gr.II Headmasters/teachers who are affected by rationalization
are eligible for extra points over and above already secured points. Gr.II
Headmasters / teachers who have completed 5 years of service / 8 Academic
Calendar years of service respectively as on date of closure of schools are not
eligible for Rationalization points.
Note: if option is not given, he/she will be allotted to
category IV / III left over vacancies only. 2 Total Special Points : 22
Performance Related Points School Related Performance
Verification / Validity POINTS
(a) Increase in enrolment by 10 to 20% during last 2 years
(Applicable to H.M & all Teachers) As per integrated Aadhaar Based UDISE
enrolment data during last 2 years as on 31st December of the year in which
transfers are to be taken up. Aadhaar seeding done/purified on subsequent dates
or if the student is having E.I.D.No. it is valid.6
(b) 100% same school transition of children
- 1st to 2nd class
- 2nd to 3rd class
- 3rd to 4th class
- 4th to 5th class
- 5th to 6th class
- 7th to 8th class
- 8th to 9th class (Applicable to H.M and concerned teachers) U-DISE data of last 2 years 5
(c) (a) Marks obtained by students as per CCE and additional
assessments undertaken in the preceding 2 academic years. If this is not
available for preceding 2
years, data for preceding 1
academic year may be considered If 80% enrolled Students in
the School got B II and above Grade 6
If ≥50% to < 80% enrolled students got B II and above
grade 4
If ≥25% to < 50% enrolled students in class got B II and
above grade 2
School Pass % performance in SSC exam (Applicable to H.M only)
- - HM certificate
- - Counter certificate by Dy.E.O
- - Crossed verified with DG (Examinations)
- 95% to 100% pass percentage 6
- 85% to 94.99% pass percentage 4
- 50% to 84.99% pass percentage 2
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