Saturday, 3 March 2018

AP Declaration of Special Casual Leave on March 8th as per Go.Ms.No.433.

AP Declaration of Special Casual Leave on March 8th as it celebrate "International Women's Day" to all the Women Employees as per Go.Ms.No.433,
AP Secretariat Women Employees Welfare Association Declaration of Special Casual Leave on March 8'th as it is being celebrated "International Women's Day" to all the Women Employees In the State Go.Ms.No.433, Dated:04-08-2010.

Representation dt. 8-3-2010 of Smt. K.Dhanalakshrni, President, AP Secretariat Women Employees Welfare Association received through Prl.Secy. to Honible CM vide No.2408/CMP/2010, Dt.10-3-2010. 

The President, AP Secretariat Women Employees Welfare Association in her representation read above has requested the Government to Declare Special Casual Leave on March te' as it is being celebrated as "International Women's Day" to all the Women Employees.

The Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby declare Special Casual Leave on March Sr" as it is being celebrated as "International Women's Day"to all the Women Employees in the State.

This order Issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FR.I) Department vide their U.O. No.15624/337/FR.I/10, Dt.24-06-2010.

This order is also available on Internet and can be accessed.

1 comment:

  1. దేవుడు వరమిచ్చి నా... పూజారి ఇవ్వనట్లు...మాకు
    శెలవు ఇవ్వడానికి... పార్టిసిపేట్ సర్టిఫికెట్ కావాలని, తెస్తే.,మన బడి పనికిరాలేదా అని ఈ రోజు కీ...సాధింపులు.మా కెందుకండీ...నిరుపయోగ జీఓలు


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