Wednesday, 11 April 2018

How to Create User Id/Password login School Evaluation Dashboard for Shaala Siddhi app

Shaala Siddhi Veekshanam Mobile App how to login User Id/Password Step by Step Process User Manual to update the salasiddi dashboard information visit official website at to Create User Id/Password login School Evaluation Dashboard User Manual for Shaala Siddhi Veekshanam official website at
School Evaluation as the means and 'School Improvement' as the goal Theneed for effective schools and improving school performance is increasingly felt in the Indian education system to provide quality education for all children. The quality initiatives in school education sector, thus, necessitate focusing on school, its performance and improvement.

In a major step towards comprehensive school evaluation as central to improving quality of school education in India, National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation has been initiated by National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), under the aegis of Union Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Shaala Siddhi Veekshanam Mobile App  Process / Steps to update the salasiddi dashboard information

NPSSE visualizes ‘School Evaluation’ as the means and ‘School Improvement’ as the goal. It refers to evaluating the individual school and its performance in a holistic and continuous manner leading to school improvement in an incremental manner. The major objectives of NPSSE are to develop a technically sound conceptual framework, methodology, instrument, and process of school evaluation to suit the diversity of Indian schools; to develop a critical mass of human resource for adaptation and contextualization of the school evaluation framework and practices across states.

How to Create User Id/Password login School Evaluation Dashboard for Shaala Siddhi app.

The programme envisions reaching 1,6 million schools in the country through a compressive system of school evaluation. As part of this endeavour , the School Standards and Evaluation Framework 
(SSEF) has been developed as an instrument for evaluating school performance.

This will enable the school to evaluate its performance against the well-defined criteria in a focused and strategic manner. The SSE framework comprises seven ‘Key Domains’ as the significant criteria for evaluating performance of schools.

The Framework has been developed through a participatory and mutual consensus approach on 'How to evaluate diversified Indian schools for Incremental Improvement ’.The SSEF has the flexibility that makes it eminently suitable for adaptation, contextualization and translation in state- specific languages. It has been designed as a strategic instrument for both self and external evaluation. Both the evaluation processes are complementary to each other and ensure that the two approaches work in synergy for the improvement of the school as a whole.

As part of the SSEF, a ‘School Evaluation Dashboard-e Samiksha’ has been developed to facilitate each school to provide consolidated evaluation report, including areas prioritized for improvement.

The School Evaluation Dashboard is developed both in print and digitized format.

The School Evaluation Dashboard, obtained from each school, will be consolidated at cluster, block, district, state and national -level for identifying school- specific needs and common areas of intervention to improve school performance. A web-portal and Mobile App on School Standards and Evaluation are in the process of development.

In order to translate the objectives of NPSSE to institutionalize ‘School Evaluation for Improvement’, a strong operational plan has been formulated to extend support to each state. .A dedicated Unit at NUEPA is leading this programme under the guidance of National Technical Group (NTG) and in strong collaboration with the states.

How to Create User Id/Password login School Evaluation Dashboard for Shaala Siddhi Veekshanam official website.

Please follow these instructions while creating the User ID and Password.

Step 1 :

1. Schools should login only through the school user.
2. Enter a valid UDISE Code (Ex: For School user eleven digit UDISE code).
3. Enter all mandatory fields.
4. To generate a Unique PIN (OTP), enter either Mobile No. /Email Id or Both.
5. After the successful PIN (OTP) generation, enter the valid PIN (OTP) that is received on your Mobile No. /Email Id to proceed further.

Note: If you don't receive PIN(OTP) within 120 seconds, click on Regenerate PIN(OTP) button.
6. Click on Submit.

If you have entered valid PIN(OTP), you will be redirected to Step 2.

If the entered PIN(OTP) is invalid, you will be shown a message saying 'Invalid PIN(OTP)'.

Step 2 :

7. Enter new password and confirm password.
(Rule:Password length should be between 8 to 10 characters, must contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one special character.Allowed special chars are !@#$%^&*()+=.)(Ex: Nav@2012)
8. Click on Create User.

Step : 3

Filling up the dash board

1. Fill in Demographic profile.
2. Fill class wise attendance rate   Submit and then next
3. Fill class wise learning out comes in percentage Submit and then next
4. Fill number of teachers  Submit and then next
5. Fill no of teachers who availed

  • Long leave
  • Short leave Submit and then next

6. Select your level against each core standard and prioritize the area developing  (low / medium / high )   Submit and then next
7. Like wise fill all the seven key domains
8. there are seven key domains and each key domain consists of certain core standards as follows.

Domain – I  - 12 core standardsDomain – II - 9 core standardsDomain – III - 5 core standardsDomain – IV - 6 core standardsDomain – V - 3 core standardsDomain – VI - 5 core standardsDomain – VII - 5 core standards

  • Fill the mission statement in English with 20 to 50 words.
  • Fill the area improvement , proposed action, support needed and action taken for all seven key domains only in English.
  • Click and then submit.

Step : 4

Before final submission click on the check box I accept terms and conditions.

Click on final submission (before final submission you can edit your data )

After final submission unfreeze icon will appear.

Click in unfreeze icon if you want to edit your information.

A dialogue box will appear on the screen for conformation.

Steps : 5

Generating reports.

  • Click on reports icon
  • Select the type of report
  • Select school evaluation

composite matrix

  • Select school evaluation reports
  • Select school evaluation dashboard
  • Select composite matrix status report

 Step 6:

Finaly appear THANKYOU..

  • On successfull creation of password, you will be redirected to home page.
  • If the password entered does not confine to the Rule(Refer Point 7), a validation message will be shown.

Note- Kindly fill up the information regarding Students and Teachers for the previous year and for information regarding seven key domains provide the current year information.


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