Friday, 9 October 2020

AP School Education Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 - Certain instructions as per Memo Rc.No.145

AP School Education Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 - Certain instructions as per Memo Rc.No.145/File No.ESE02-30187

AP School Education Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 - Certain instructions as per Memo Rc.No.145/File No.ESE02-30187/ AP School Education - UDISE Data-2019-20 - Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 - Certain instructions issued to the respective Inspecting Officers - Regarding as per Memo Rc.No.145 /A&I/2020 Dated:07/10/2020 File No.ESE02-30187/2020-A&I -CSE 

AP School Education Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 - Certain instructions as per Memo Rc.No.145/File No.ESE02-30187

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 12th cited, wherein certain instructions were issued to the inspecting officers to verify the availability of teaching staff, infrastructure facilities and also other details as furnished in the UDISE in phased manner in all schools by forming teams duly utilizing the services of the Head Masters Grade II (who is a gazetted officer) Teachers, Village/Ward Welfare Assistant, Village/Ward Engineering Assistant of local village/ward secretariat as per the given schedule. Further, it is informed that, the Principal Secretary, School Education and Director, School Education have conducted video conference on 06.10.2020 with all RJDSEs and all District Educational Officers on status of formation of teams to verify the availability of teaching staff, 

పాఠశాల విద్య 2019-20 నకు చెందిన UDISE డేటా తనిఖీ ప్రశాంతంగా పూర్తిచేయాలని తనిఖీ బృందాలకు పలు సూచనలు   జారీ చేస్తూ మరియు సదరు తనిఖీ ప్రక్రియను మానిటర్ చేసేందుకు ప్రతి జిల్లాకు విద్యాశాఖకు చెందిన  ఒక అధికారిని కేటాయిస్తూ మెమో జారీ File No.ESE02-30187/2020-A&I -CSE 

infrastructure facilities, UDISE data etc. The Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Member, APSERMC have participated in the above said video conference. Further, it is informed that, the following instructions have been issued for smooth conduct of the verification by the teams: 

a. To constitute required no.of teams with the approval of Joint Collector (Development) on or before 07.10.2020. 

b. Training programmes to be conducted to all the team members to create awareness for the above said verification through a feasible mode duly following the COVID-19 protocol. 

c. All team members may visit the nearby schools where Manabadi Nedu-Nedu demo schools have been taken up for improving the infrastructure facilities in innovative methods before attending the verification to their allotted schools and the same may be taken as the infrastructural benckmark to compare and verify the facilities in the schools. 

 d. In Phase-I, all Private Aided & Un-Aided Schools to be verified during the period from 12th - 17th October, 2020. 

e. In Phase-II, all Government Schools to be verified during the period from 18th - 31st October, 2020. 

f. All officers (Inspecting officers, team members etc.) are eligible for TA & DA as per the APTA Rules. The said expenditure met from the District Project Management Cost of Samagra Shiksha funds. 

g. The Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and other members of the APSERMC may monitor the entire inspections. 

h. All Senior Officers of the School Education Department have to be monitored the entire verification. 

The district wise allotment of the officers are as shown at Annexure-I 

Therefore, all the Regional Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are requested to follow the above instructions 
File No.ESE02-3018712020-A&I -CSE 

All the Senior Officers are requested to visit and monitor the entire verification work in their allotted districts and complete the work within the stipulated time and submit compliance report from time to time to the Director of School Education, A.P in the matter. Encl: Annexure-I 


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