AP NISHTHA Sanction and released the budget Rs. 1000/- per teacher for procuring pen drives with pre-loaded content and modules, printing for successful completion of the training programme as per Rc.No. SS-15024/163/2020-SAMO-SSA, Dated: 13/11/2020
AP NISHTHA Sanction and released the budget Rs. 1000/- per teacher for procuring pen drives with pre-loaded content and modules
AP Samagra Shiksha Quality Education Trainings NISHTHA 2020-21 - PAB 2020-21 approved budget under NISHTHA (Elementary) Sanction and released the budget Rs. 1029.65 lakhs to the APCs in 13 districts in AP under NISHTHA training
The MHRD, Gol has approved the budget in PAB 2020-2021 under NISHTHA Training programmes for Elementary for Rs. 1029.65 lakhs (@Rs.1016.87 lakhs for In service Training I-VIII and Rs.12.78 lakhs for Training of Resource Persons & Master Trainers) during 2020-21 @Rs. 1000/- per teacher for procuring pen drives with pre-loaded content and modules, printing (preferable e-module) and high speed date-pack on reimbursement basis and subject to successful completion of the training. Accordingly the A.P has to implement the innovative program called an Integrated Teacher Training Programme known as (NISHTHA) for improve teacher abilities during 2020 2021 to all teachers
Under powers vested with the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh, sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs. 1029.65 lakhs to the Addl. Project Coordinators of 13 district of AP towards conducting the NISHTHA training programme for Elementary Level during 2020 21. The District wise amounts given here under:
District wise budget shown for NISHTHA training at Elementary Level 2020-21
Therefore, the Finance Controller of this office is requested to release an amount of Rs. 1029.65 lakhs to the Addl. Project Coordinators of 13 district of AP through their PD Accounts towards conducting the NISHTHA training programme for Elementary Level during 2020-21
The said expenditure should be met form the in-service teacher training head of NISHTHA (Elementary) interventions (under (94) head for Rs. 1016.87 lakhs & under (98) head Rs.12.78 lakhs) of PAB 2020-2021.
The District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators, and Addl. Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to take further necessary action and enter the amounts in Prabhandha portal during month of December 2020
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