Friday, 16 July 2021

AP Permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided UG and PG Courses as per GO.MS.No 36

AP Permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided UG and PG Courses as per GO.MS.No 36

AP Permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided UG and PG Courses as per GO.MS.No 36 | AP Permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided Under Graduate and Post Graduate Courses as per GO.MS.No 36 

AP Permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided UG and PG Courses as per GO.MS.No 36


Higher Education Department The Andhra Pradesh Private Higher Educational Institutions (Establishment, Recognition, Administration and Control of Institutions) Rules, 2021 for granting permission to start Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, un-aided Under Graduate and Post Graduate Courses and related matters thereon Orders Issue as per GO.MS.No 36 Dated: 15-07-2021

1.A.P. Education Act, 1982. 

2.G.O.Ms.No.29, Education (Rules) dated: 5.2.1987 and subsequent amendments. 

3.G.O.Ms.No. 278,Education (UE.II-2) Department, dated:24.7.1995. 

4. UGC Regulations 2009 and 2012 on affiliation of Colleges. 

5.From the Secretary, APSCHE, Rc.No. APSCHE/AC/Colleges & Programmes / Review of Rules/2020-21, dated: 04.07.2020. 

In the reference G.O., 2nd read above, the G.O.Ms.No.29, Education (Rules), dated. 5th February 1987 was issued more than thirty (30) years ago and several amendments were brought to the said G.O., in a piecemeal manner. Further, several structural, administrative and academic changes that took place in Higher Education sector over the last three (3) decades necessitated a thorough review of the existing rules. Moreover, the University Grants Commission (UGC) recommended several reforms including enhancement of quality in Higher Education by an appropriate investment on infrastructure, faculty, academic reforms, institutional governance and restructuring; expansion of the Higher Education base to make it inclusive; removal of regional imbalances by providing access to underserved areas; and promotion of relevance, efficiency and creativity in Higher Education. Further, the UGC observed that 90% of the under graduate students, 70% of the post graduate students, and 80% of the faculty members are currently in affiliated colleges, any strategy for improving quality in Higher Education must address this segment. 

2. The University Grants Commission issued Regulations for affiliation of Colleges by the Universities in 2009 and 2012. These rules are a mandate to all the Universities and the Colleges affiliated to the Universities in the Country. 

The Government noted that there are variations between the Rules prescribed in the G.O.2nd cited and the UGC Regulations, 2009 and amended Regulations, 2012 in respect of instructional and infrastructural facilities for establishment of degree colleges and additional programmes etc. 

The Inspection Report of the Accountant General has also commented the variations in rules and not prescribing norms and standards in accordance with UGC Regulations for according approvals to new degree colleges and programmes. 

3. In this background, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to evolve appropriate strategies for bringing more transparency in the system, and to achieve the targeted standards of quality in the realm of Higher Education. It has therefore become desirable to bring out comprehensive rules relating to the establishment, administration and control of Private Higher Educational Institutions including granting permissions to New Private Un-aided Degree Colleges, Un-aided Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes, Shifting of Colleges, Change of Managements, Conversion of Colleges, change of name of the college, etc. 

4. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in an Extra￾Ordinarily issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated:16-07-2021. 


In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 20 and 21 read with section 99 of the Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982 (Act No.1 of 1982) and in supersession of G.O. Ms.No.29, Education (Rules) dated. 5th February, 1987, and of all subsequent Government Orders, except for those rules which in part or full pertains to Junior Colleges, Oriental Colleges, Hindi Maha vidyalayas, Law Colleges, Government Degree Colleges and Aided Sections in Private Aided Degree Colleges, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the granting refusal and withdrawal of permission for New Private Un-aided Degree Colleges; Un-aided Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes, and administrative matters related to Degree Colleges under the Private Sector.

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