DIRECT RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION FILLING OF BACKLOG VACANCIES FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL GRADE-II /TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHER/ CARETAKER (WARDEN) IN APSWREIS SC/ST candidates for appointment to backlog posts of Principal Grade-II / Trained Graduate Teacher / Caretaker(Warden) through direct recruitment in the Institutions run by APSWREI society Recruitment Notification 2021 Scheduled dates Online Application/ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల సంస్థ ప్రత్యక్ష నియామకం(బ్యాక్ లాగ్) ద్వారా ఎస్సి, ఎస్టీ బ్యాక్ లాగ్ ఉద్యోగాల ఖాళీల భర్తీ చేయుటకొరకు పత్రికా ప్రకటన Nofication No. 01/2021, Dated:21.07.2021
Applications are invited from the qualified Scheduled Caste (SC)&Scheduled Tribe(ST) candidates for appointment to backlog posts of Principal Grade-II / Trained Graduate Teacher / Caretaker(Warden) through direct recruitment in the Institutions run by APSWREI society in the State.
సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ శాఖ జీ.ఓ. నెంబర్ 181, dated: 02-07-2021 అనుసరించి ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల సంస్థ ప్రత్యక్ష నియామకం(బ్యాక్ లాగ్) ద్వారా ప్రిన్సిపాల్ (గ్రేడ్ -2 ), ట్రయిన్డ్ గ్రాడ్యుయేట్ టీచర్స్ (TGT) మరియు కేర్ టేకర్ (వార్డెన్స్) ఉద్యోగాల నందు ఎస్సి, ఎస్టీ బ్యాక్ లాగ్ ఖాళీలు భర్తీచేయుటకు అర్హులైన అభ్యర్థులనుంచి ఆన్ లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు కోరబడుతున్నవి. ఖాళీలు దిగువ తెలిపిన విధంగా ఉన్నాయి
ఎటువంటి వ్రాత మరియు మౌఖిక ప్రవేశ పరీక్షలు నిర్వహించబడవు. నిర్ధేశించిన క్వాలిఫైయింగ్ పరీక్ష ఉత్తీర్ణత శాతం ఆధారంగా మెరిట్ లిస్ట్ ద్వారా ఎంపిక జరగబడును నిర్ణీత దరఖాస్తు ఫీజు రూ. 500/- పోస్టు / సబ్జెక్టు చొప్పున చెల్లించవలెను. ఇతర వివరములు మరియు ఆన్ లైన్ దరఖాస్తు చేయుట కొరకు మా వెబ్ సైట్ ను చూడవచ్చును. అభ్యర్థులు ఆన్ లైన్ లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకొనుటకు ప్రారంభ తేది: 22-07-2021 మరియు చివరి తేది: 16-08-2021.
Backlog vacancies of various posts are as shown below.
Detailed Breakup of zone wise & subject wise vacancies can be seen at Annexure-A
Community wise vacancies along with woman quota can be seen at Annexure-B
i) Principal Grade-II : 40,270 - 93,780
ii) Trained Graduate Teacher: 28,940 - 78,910
iii) Care Taker (Warden) : 21,230 - 63,010
The Applicants have to pay a fee of Rs.500/- towards Application processing fee for
each post through Debit Card / Credit Card / Online Transfer. On receipt of fee, the
candidate shall be issued a Unique ID, which will act as reference number for the
application. It may be noted that issuance of Unique ID does not mean that the candidate
has submitted the application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
No person shall be eligible for direct recruitment to the above posts, if he / she is less than 18 years of age or more than 47 years of age as on 01.07.2021.
Academic Qualifications:
a. Principal Grade-II:
1. A Post Graduate Degree (Qualifying Examination) with 1st class (with minimum 60% marks) from any university recognized by University Grants Commission(UGC).
2. A B.Ed Degree or equivalent qualification from UGC / NCTE recognized University with minimum of 50 %marks.
3. A total teaching experience of not less than 10 years including
a. 3 years of experience as Regular PGT or JL in any Govt/Govt.Aided school/Jr.College
b. 3 years of administrative experience as Regular Head Master/Principal of a High School or Jr.College funded by State/ Central/ Union Territory Government
b) Trained Graduate Teacher:
1. Post Graduate degree (Qualifying Examination)in the subjects shown at Annexure- C from any University recognized by UGC with not less than 55% marks in the relevant subject.
2. A B.Ed., degree or equivalent qualification from UGC / NCTE recognized University with relevant Subject as one of the methods of teaching.
3. Must have passed TET Paper II conducted by State Government.
c) Caretaker (Warden)
1. Graduation degree (Qualifying Examination) from any University recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC).
2. B.Ed., degree or equivalent qualification from UGC/NCTE recognized University.
1. The rule of reservation to local candidates is applicable and the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (OLC&RDR) Order (Presidential Order) 1975 and amendments there to shall be followed strictly.
2. In the Backlog recruitment, as per vacancies notified in SC&ST category in which women quota is also applicable as per the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 and standing orders of APSWREI Society as amended from time to time.
1. Eligible candidates can apply online from 22.07.2021 to 16.08.2021 through Website
2. Only on payment of fee online, an applicant can continue with filling up the application form.
3. Single application will be filled up by candidate, even if he / she is applying for more than one post. However the candidate has to pay fee @ Rs.500/- per each post.
4. Required Certificates shall be uploaded at the time of submitting online application.
5. The candidates must be fully qualified for the post applied for and in possession of all Certificates as on last date prescribed in the notification for submission of applications.
6. Candidates who submit false / fake information in online application form shall be liable for criminal prosecution besides rejection of the application or cancellation of selection, as the case may be.
1. For Principal Grade II:
Post Graduation is the qualifying exam and based on the percentage of marks secured by the candidate in the Post Graduation examination, the merit will be prepared and selection will be made as per the qualifications prescribed to the post as per point No.V-1(a).
2. TGT (Trained Graduate teacher):
Post Graduation is the qualifying exam and based on the percentage of marks secured by the candidates in the Post Graduation examination the merit list will be prepared and selection will be made as per the merit list after fulfilling qualifications prescribed to the post as per point No.V-1(b).For tie breakup, the percentage of marks secured in Graduation will be considered for selection.
3. For Caretaker (Warden):
Graduation is the qualifying exam and based on the percentage of marks obtained by the candidates in the Graduation examination, the merit list will be prepared and selection will be made as per the merit list after fulfilling the qualifications prescribed to the post as per point No.V-1(c). In case of tie breakup, higher ager will be considered for selection.
4. Candidates should provide the following certificates in original at the time of document verification:
a. Study Certificate: From Class-IV to X. If Private, any documentary proof for local candidature of the applicant or applicants parents may be submitted.
b. SSC Certificate
c. Graduation Marks Memo
d. Post Graduation Marks Memo in case of Principal Grade II and Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
e. B.Ed., or equivalent qualification from UGC / NCTE recognised University.
f. TET Certificate – Candidates applied for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) post.
g. Caste Certificate
5. Certificate verification will be conducted on 25.08.2021 & 26.08.2021
6. No Written Examination/Demo/Interview will be conducted for selection.Help Line Nos. are available in website from 22.07.2021 till completion of Recruitment in all days from 10.00 A.M. to 06.00 P.M.
The society has taken all necessary precautions to furnish comprehensive set of guidelines regarding eligibility / exemptions.
However, in case of any unforeseen instances decision of the secretary is final regarding eligibility / exemptions.
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