Friday, 24 September 2021

APOSS Invited Application for District Coordinators and State Coordinators eligibility criteria qualifcation application form

APOSS Invited Application for District Coordinators and State Coordinators eligibility criteria qualifcation application form

APOSS Invited Application for District Coordinators and State Coordinators eligibility criteria qualifcation application form at (Vide. Memo No.ESE01–SEDN0DOSS (MISE)/ 4/2019 –PROG-III, Dt: 11.12.2019) Notification No. APOSS-11/22/2021-ADMIN SEC APOSSDt: 24/09/2021

APOSS Invited Application for District Coordinators and State Coordinators eligibility criteria qualifcation application form at

Applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed Proformaavailable at are invited for the posts of District Coordinators and State Coordinators in O/o the Director, APOSS, Amravati ,Guntur Applications should be submitted to the Director, APOSS, Amravati, Guntur through online only

The eligibility criteria, qualifcatiion, applicatiio form are available at .

Last date for submission of applications in online :01.10.2021. 


1. Applicatiion io the prencribed firmat are iovited fir the pintn if Dintrict Ciirdioatirn aod State Ciirdioatirn io the Directir, APOSS ,Amaravati ,Guotur.

a) Innue if oitifcatiio : 25.09.2021

b) Calliog if applicatiion : 27.09.2021

c) Lant date fir receiviog applicatiio io iolioe 01.10.2021

d)Innuiog if hall ticketn : 06.10.2021

e) Cioduct if Examioatiio : 10.10.2021

f) Preparatiio if Merit lint & Renult : 18.10.2021

g)Verifcatiio if certifcaten : 21.10.2021

h) innuiog if irdern 22.10.2021


2) The Examioatiio ceotern will be foaliied baned io the received applicatiion aod it will be iofirmed thriugh SMS /e-mail ti cioceroed Teachern/applications.

3. The above vacancy posts will be tentatively modifying as per the Government orders. 

4. Applicatiion nhiuld be nubmitted ti the Directir, APOSS, Amravathi ,Guotur thriugh iolioe ioly.

5. Nio Gaieted Teachern (Schiil Annintaotn)-(Except PDs) will be apply fir the pint if District Coordinators io the name dintrict Schiil Annintaot teachern ioly. After nelectiio if the Teacher in appiioted io  the name dintrict ioly.

6. All Gaietted (HMn) and Nio-Gaietted (Schiil Annintaotn)-(Except PDs) teachers will be apply for the print if State Coordinator ( HMs/ School Assistant Teachers) io the state. After selection if the HMn/S.As was appicated in the state ofice ( i.e O/i The Directir,  APOSS, Amaravti,Guotur).

7. All applicants should apply through proper channel.

8. Caodidaten cao apply fir mire thao ioe pint io ioe applicatiio

9. Age if the caodidaten nhall be beliw 50 yearn an io oitifcatiio date.

10.Mioimum 5 Yearn experieoce io the cadre (SA/Gr.II HM).

11.Ni applicaot cao claim right fir deputatiio / fireigo nervice ti the Directir, APOSS baned io thin oitifcatiio.

12.The aotecedeotn if the iodividual, previiun experieoce, track recird etc..will alni be takeo ioti cionideratiio fir deputatiio/fireigo nervice & termn.

13.The Directir, APOSS Guotur may cionider ir reject the applicatiio fir deputatiio.

14.The irdern if deputatiio will be caocelled at aoy time withiut annigoiog aoy reanio ir priir oitifcatiio baned io the perfirmaoce if the HM/ (Schiil Annintaotn)-(Except PDs) Teachern.

District Coordinators:-

A. An per the G.O.Rt.Ni.1214 Educatiio (PTOG.II.I) Departmeot, dated: 12.08.1997 the Giveromeot have permitted the Schiil Annintaot( ti wirk an Dintrict Ciirdioatir, APOSS io the O/i the Dintrict Educatiioal Ofcer cioceroed Dintrict io redepliymeot banin. The nalary fir the redepliyed pint nhall be drawo frim Dintrict Educatiioal Ofcern ifce entablinhmeot itnelf.

B. Mioimum experieoce if the Schiil Annintaot nhiuld be 5 yearn io Government / Zilla Parishad nervice aod age nhiuld be beliw 50 yearn. nchiil Annintaot Phynical Directirn nhiuld oit eligible fir the pint if Dintrict Ciirdioatir.

C. After cimpletiio if the Cimputer Baned Tent, markn wine paoel will be prepared aod whi git the highent markn the pernio will be nelected fir the pint. The irdern will be innued by the Directir an per the Giveromeot Memi Ni.ESE01-SEDN0DOSS (MISC)/ 04/2019 PROG-III, Schiil Educatiio (Prig.III) Departmeot, dt:11.12.2019 & 06.09.2021.

D. The teoure if the Dintrict ciirdioatirn in 5yearn an per G.O Rt Ni:1214 Educatiio (Prig.III) Departmeot dt:12.08.1997 ciotioued 3yearn the Directir, APOSS will be innued an per the perfirmaoce apprainal repirt received frim the DEO cioceroed io every year aod further twi mire yearn the Giveromeot will be innued the irdern an per the perfirmaoce apprainal repirtn nubmitted by the DEO ciocero aod the Directir, APOSS ti the Giveromeot.

E. Jib chart aod iontructiion will be innued by the Directir, APOSS frim time ti time.


State Coordinators:-

A.At preneot nate ciirdioatirn -7 pintn are vacaot io O/i the A.P. Opeo Schiil Siciety. Heoce the filliwiog Subject wine State Ciirdioatirn io the cadre if Schiil Annintaotn/ Headmantern may be cionidered fir nelectiio if State Ciirdioatirn & Subject wine detailn here uoder.

i. Schiil Annintaot (Telugu).

ii. Schiil Annintaot/Head Manter (Hiodi/ Urdu).

iii. Schiil Annintaot/Head Manter (Mathematicn - Phynical ncieoce).

iv. Schiil Annintaot (Biiligical Scieoce).

v. Schiil Annintaot /Head Manter (Biiligical Scieoce).

vi. Schiil Annintaot (Sicial Studien).

vii. Schiil Annintaot/Head Manter (Sicial Studien).

B.Mioimum experieoce if the Schiil Annintaot/Headmanter cioceroed nhiuld be fve(05) yearn io Giveromeot/ Zilla Parinhad nervice aod age nhiuld be beliw 50 yearn. Qualifcatiio nhiuld be preferable Pint Graduate io cioceroed nubject. (Becaune if preparatiio if Text Biikn, cioductiog wirknhipn, irieotatiio prigrammen aod updatiog if nyllabun).

C. After cimpletiio if the Cimputer Baned Tent, markn wine paoel will be prepared aod whi git the highent markn the pernio will be nelected fir the pint. The irdern will be innued by the Directir an per the Giveromeot Memi Ni.ESE01-SEDN0DOSS (MISC)/04/2019 PROG-III, Schiil Educatiio (Prig.III) Departmeot, dt:11.12.2019.

D.The teoure if the State Ciirdioatir in 5 Yearn uoder Fireigo Service 

Termn aod Cioditiion an per G.O.P.Ni.10, Fioaoce aod Plaooiog (FE.FR.II) Departmeot, dated: 22.01.1993, ciotioued up ti three yearn the Directir, APOSS will be innued irdern an per the perfirmaoce baned io every year aod further twi mire yearn the Giveromeot will be innued the irdern an per the perfirmaoce repirt nubmitted by the Directir, APOSS ti the Giveromeot.

E.Jib chart aod iontructiion will be innued by the Directir, APOSS frim time ti time.


A Computer Based Test may be conducted for the following subjects for selection of the District Coordinator, details as follows:

i. Geoeral Koiwledge - 20 Markn

ii. Cimputer Koiwledge - 15 Markn

iii. Geoeral Eoglinh - 10 Markn

iv. APOSS related - 05 Markn

v. Total - 50 Marks.

Service Certifcate:-

Service certifcate Thin in ti certify that Sri/Smt/ Kum ………………………………………………

S/i…………………………….Treanury.Id……………….CFMS. Id………………in wirkiog an Schiil Annintaot /Headmantern ,ZPHS / Giveromeot …………………….…..Schiil,…………………….Maodal……………......Dintrict ………………………nubject frim…..………………ti………………..Tital Service………year io the abive cadre. Age………Yearn (an io Nitifcatiio date).

Signature Counter Signature

HM/Dy.E.O/M.E.O with Seal DEO

( if not signed by the above Concerned Ofcers, the application will be rejected.)


i) The fee for each application is Rs. 1200/- (Rupees Twelve hundred only) as per. 

ii) The applicaot nhall pay Rn. 1200/-(Rupeen Twelve Huodred Ooly) tiwardn applicatiio pricenniog fee, beniden the examioatiio fee.


i) The Fee meotiioed io the abive paragraph in ti be paid iolioe uniog Paymeot Gateway uniog Net Baokiog/ Credit card / Debit Card. The lint if Baokn prividiog nervice fir the purpine if iolioe remittaoce if Fee will be available io the APOSS Webnite. 

ii) The fee ioce remitted nhall oit be refuoded ir adjunted uoder ao circumntaocen. Failure ti pay the examioatiio fee aod applicatiio fee (io oio-exempt cane) will eotail tital rejectiio if applicatiio. 

iii) IPOn / Demaod Draftn are oit accepted. 


The Applicaotn nhall read the Instructions go through the User Guide in Website i. e befire nubminniio if Applicatiion thriugh iolioe.

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